Chemical resistance tool
This tool allows you to find the right material for aggressive media.
Not all pipe materials are suitable for the transport of aggressive liquids and gases. Using the wrong materials can cause problems. With this online tool, you can now find the right materials for your project quickly and easily.
The tool allows us to select the medium to be transported and proposes the appropriate materials in a well-structured table.
How does it work?
The legend to analyze the results that he proposes is the following:
++ (green background): fully recommended, no influence on material properties.
+ (blue background): Recommended, along with the specified reduction factor. Influence on material properties is possible, for example by penetration or expansion, but does not cause any chemical attack.
O (yellow background): limited recommendation. Beyond that temperature, recommendations are not normally provided solely on the basis of individual assessment. Contact GF Piping Systems directly.
– (red background): not suitable. Incompatibility of material and medium.
Technical explanations
Selecting Your Pipe Material – Chemical Resistance
General information on chemical resistance
Classification: ++ : recommended, no impact on pipe material properties + : recommended, applicable in combination with reduction factor, impact on material properties possible, e.g. by penetration or expansion, but no chemical impact Or : conditionally recommended. At or above this temperature, system life may be reduced. Consult Georg Fischer Piping Systems. – : does not apply. Serious damage to the piping material.
Reduction factor: Georg Fischer Piping Systems pressure/temperature diagrams are based on a 25-year life expectancy. They are valid for water and certain aqueous solutions, which do not affect the properties of the plastic material. However, various aggressive chemical media can affect the plastic and could affect the life of the system or the operating parameters. A reduction factor reduces the maximum pressure for a plastic/media combination to maintain material performance. Derating factors are > 1 (typically in the range 1 to 1.3, some are higher) To use the derating factor, it should be divided by the maximum pressure rating to get the maximum sustainable system pressure, or multiplied by the pressure to obtain the maximum operating temperature
Example: An aqueous medium in a polyethylene piping system (SDR 11) allows a maximum pressure of 9 bar (132 psi) at a temperature of 40 °C for a service life of 25 years (see PT diagram: Point A) .
37% hydrochloric acid in polyethylene has a reduction factor of 1.2. The maximum pressure of that system at a temperature of 40°C is 9 bar / 1.2 = 7.5 bar (110 psi), Point B on the graph. Furthermore, if the system will operate at 9 bars, the reduction factor multiplied by the operating pressure (9 x 1.2 = 10.8 bars) corresponds to 30 °C or point C on the graph, which represents the maximum temperature of operation of the system if it works at 9 bars. For more information, please contact Georg Fischer Piping Systems.
Solvent Cement Joints with Tangit and DTX: ABS, PVC-U and PVC-C are typically cemented with Tangit. However, some aggressive media at higher concentrations require Tangit DTX as a more chemically resistant cement. The use of DTX comes with some restrictions: a derating factor, an upper temperature limit of 60°C, and a lifetime limitation.
The following chemicals resp. concentrations require Tangit DTX:
The quality and chemical resistance of a DTX cement depend on proper processing. Contact Georg Fischer Piping Systems for more details.
Flammable Liquids: In addition to chemical resistance issues, many organic media demand particular safety considerations due to their flammable and burning properties. ChemRes Plus recommendations refer exclusively to chemical resistance considerations. They do not replace the technical installation guidelines resp. restrictions These types of guidelines are usually defined by legislation such as ATEX, ASME, ASTM and NFPA. Some guiding principles are listed in the ‘Plastic Piping in Highly Combustible Locations / Transport of Explosive Media’ chapter within the GF Planning Fundamentals. However, ultimate compliance with these guidelines must be ensured by the ordering party resp. the construction company.
Gaskets: Sealing materials are an essential part of the entire piping system. The choice of gasket material depends not only on chemical resistance aspects but also on mechanical considerations. Although a recommendation for an individual assessment must be made on a case-by-case basis, some general rules apply to our standard meeting materials:
Disclaimer The data is provided as is and there is no warranty or representation, either express or implied, that it is error-free. We will not be responsible for damages of any kind that may arise from the use of this data.
The successful operation of valves not only depends on the chemical resistance of their materials and seals, but a multiplicity of additional factors must be considered. Therefore, it is not possible to transfer this data without restrictions also to the operation of valves made of the same materials and/or material combinations.
This document is for technical information only. We refer to our General Conditions of Sale. Subject to change without notice.