Waveline magnet
Electricity generation system with sea waves
Sea wave energy limited (SWEL) is a R&D company based in Cyprus & the UK that has been focused on the design and development of its wave energy converter (WEC) – The “Wave Line Magnet”, a wave energy converter that has been evolved for more than 10 years achieving numerous patents. The company’s technology is a robust and durable WEC that can supply substantial power on demand at a low cost, with minimal maintenance and can be deployed in any wave environment.
Ultra Low Cost
The Waveline Magnet’s has an inherently low cost of manufacture due to the low mass of materials used, such as plastics and reinforced plastics. SWEL’s technology uses materials and components that can be found and supplied without the need for new specialised production lines or a huge new infrastructure to accommodate it. This keeps the cost of production very low and due to its modular lightweight design the cost of deployment and retrieval are also drastically reduced.
Low Mass
The Waveline Magnet occupies only a few centimetres of the covered surface area (above and below the surface) requiring a low mass of materials per square metre of the device.
Low Maintenance
The simplistic modular design of the Waveline Magnet has the added advantage of being easily repaired, maintained, produced and transported. This allows the possibility of mass production of the device with turnaround times for both the manufacture & deployment of the WM to impressively short periods, i.e weeks rather than months.

The robustness of the device is inherent due to its unique interaction with the moving forces of the sea. Rather than coming into conflict with the wave the device moves with the wave eliminating survivability problems but also keeping maintenance & repair costs to a minimum.
High Output
The wave energy converter is designed to embrace the surface of the sea, or the ‘wave line’ as it is often referred to by SWEL. This allows the WEC to become one moving mass with the wave itself creating a unique interaction that allows SWEL to regulate how much energy is extracted from the wave in a controlled and non-disruptive manner. The seamless and frictionless interaction is a matchless characteristic of the technology that allows it to work in harmony and in synchronization with the deployed sea area producing high levels of power irrespective of the wave profile or weather conditions.
Recycled Materials
The Waveline Magnet is a device that will not contribute to the growing problem of material waste as the bulk of the device can be produced from recycled materials.