100 times more quantity than nanoe

Indoor air quality
100 times more quantity than nanoe and better performance to inhibit contaminants.

Nanoe™X 2003. 480 billion hydroxyl radicals/sec

Nanoe™X Mark 1 – 2016. 4.8 trillion hydroxyl radicals/sec

Nanoe™X Mark 2 – 2019. 9.6 trillion hydroxyl radicals/sec

Nanoe™X Mark 3 – 2022.
48 trillion hydroxyl radicals/sec
A natural process
Hydroxyl radicals are unstable molecules that seek to react with other elements, such as hydrogen, and capture them. Thanks to this reaction, hydroxyl radicals inhibit the growth of contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, molds and odors, breaking them down and neutralizing their undesirable effects. This natural process is very beneficial for improving indoor air quality.

By creating hydroxyl radicals contained in water, nanoe™ X technology significantly increases its effectiveness, increasing the lifetime of hydroxyl radicals from less than one second in nature, to over 600 seconds (10 minutes) for nanoe™ X can cover long distances.
1. Hydroxyl radicals in nature.
Life time: less than a second
2. Hydroxyl radicals contained in water.
Life time: 600 seconds – 10 minutes
Thanks to the properties of nanoe™ X, various types of contaminants can be neutralized, such as certain types of bacteria, viruses, mold, allergens, pollen and certain hazardous substances.

Nanoe™ X effectively traps contaminants.

Hydroxyl radicals denature the proteins of contaminants.

The activity of contaminants is inhibited.